The Replacements
She's outta sight, yeah
Aw yeah
She's alright, she's alright, she's alright
She's outta sight, outta sight
Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
-Greta Van Fleet
Look, I get it. People change. You change, I change, and there is no good reason that Bon Iver shouldn’t continue to transition his sound from folk to mystic techno if it makes him feel better. Just because an artist connected with me once does not mean all their work must do the same.
But there is a place deep, deep inside me that craves a time when For Emma was not forever ago.
Luckily for stubborn ol’ me, streaming serves up endless copycat bands. Bands emerge straight out of algorithm static to fill the market inefficiency of popular sounds left behind by true originals.
I know I’m supposed to prefer originality. When making lists of the greatest artists of all time I am required to put, for example, the first yodeler as a top five yodeler because without their innovation there would be no yodel. But alas, sometimes I truly enjoy a derivative band if I adore the object of their mimicry.
Below is a list of “replacement” albums. Think of it as a sort of scab directory for when you want to listen to an album you love, but have just listened to the damn thing too many times.
Big fan of Tame Impala’s Inner Speaker, but not so crazy about the 7 minute synth jams of Currents? Try Sun Structures by Temples.
If the members of Led Zeppelin touched a cursed clock, were turned back into teenagers and sent to live in 2018, would you listen to the album they made to convince everyone they were really Led Zeppelin? Try Anthem of the Peaceful Army by Greta Van Fleet.
Does a version of the Beatles’ Revolver where each verse and chorus are only sung once per song sound intriguing? Try by Confront the Truth Tony Molina.
Would you prefer if Everything Ecstatic era Fourtet smoked more weed? Try Ardour by Teebs
Would you like a version of Beck’s Sea Change not directly inspired by the adulterous actions of a member of a band named Whiskey Biscuit? Try Morning Phase, by Beck.
Were you upset when Blur left Parklife behind for Ameri-indie scuzz? Enjoy 1 by Simple Kid
Have you ever wanted a record like Bath’s Cerulean that was sung in the baritone register? Try Tragicomedies by Rudi Zygalldo
Do you wish that Animal Collective still sounded like the campfire beach boys of Sung Tongs? Try Sea Lion by the Ruby Suns (Do you wish that Animal Collective dropped Merriweather Post Pavilion behind the couch and let it decompose before release? Try Fight Softly by the Ruby Suns)
There are no replacements for the Replacements
Three out of the four members of Greta Van Fleet nicknamed their penis “Om”
Nov 2018